Cathedrals of Art | MN

By Gregory Disney-Britton

MINNESOTA---No journey to Minnesota is complete without a visit to The Cathedral of Saint Paul. Set dramatically on a hill overlooking the city of Saint Paul, Minnesota, the Beaux Arts architecture is inspired by the churches and cathedrals of France, but what you notice from miles away is the dome. The dome is a 120-foot-wide made of curved steel beams, covered with a clay tile surface and overlaid with copper. A copper-clad lantern, approximately 30 feet tall, sits on top of the dome. It's one of the most dramatic of God's Art Museums in the USA.

While there we also cross the river to Minneapolis to see Alec Soth's photo, "Preacher Man." A photography show exploring the dark questions about religion in America that good art should raise like, "What breaks a man?" The Walker Arts Center's 20-year retrospective of Soth's work is titled, "Alec Soth's America." He's getting nice coverage in the Minneapolis Times Star and Huffington Post; as well as The NYT Blog. Soth made a reputation with color prints taken with huge old-fashioned cameras that produced 8-by-10-inch negatives he generally processed himself. He is a 1999 McKnight Photography fellowship and was included in the 2004 Whitney Biennial.
