FORT LAUDERDALE - The final leg of a three year national tour of a special exhibit of “Vatican Splendors: a Journey Through Faith and Art" opened yesterday at the Museum of Art | Fort Lauderdale in Florida. The exhibit is one of the largest exhibits ever to leave Vatican City and some of the items have never been viewed by the public. Attendees can see original works by Michelangelo, Bernini, and Giotto as well as experience a sense of what it was like to paint the Sistine Chapel or to be in the catacombs in the early days of Christianity. Whether you are interested in history of art, this exhibit is definitely worth the time to visit.

The tour began in St. Petersburg, FL in 2008, and according to Mike Kempf of Evergreen Exhibitions there are no other stops currently scheduled. In addition to Florida, the exhibit has traveled throughout the Midwest including St. Louis, MO and Pittsburgh, PA. Below is the promotional video.


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