Religious Art Journeys | Indianapolis


INDIANA - For a full-day on Saturday, January 29th, the city of Indianapolis will become the focal point for contemporary religious art tour & dialogue. Alpha and Omega Project for Contemporary Religious Arts will host its first AOA Meetup | Indianapolis, a "Journey" program highlighting five interfaith centers of artistry and craft in the Indianapolis area.

  • Indiana Buddhist Center is located at 9260 E. 10th Street. The exterior facade of an ordinary suburban home disguises iconic surprises inside.
  • Beth El Zedeck Synagogue, dating from 1915 features artwork, meditation gardens, stained glass windows, an art gallery and gift shop.
  • Saint John the Evangelist, an 1860s Gothic Revival structure in downtown Indianapolis is the first cathedral of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • The Islamic Society of North American (ISNA), located in Plainfield (just outside Indianapolis),  features Islamic art and contemporary architecture. It is home of the student association.
  • Hindu Temple of Central Indiana, located at 3350 North German Church Road, is a growing spiritual community with plans to build a more traditional Hindu structure but inside their current home are the shrines and altars where Hinduism is practiced today. 
The six-hour tour begins at 8:30am and concludes at the Indianapolis Museum of Art for refreshments and dialogue with a local artist about the intersections of art & faith in Indianapolis. The tour is "free" but donations are welcomed, including donations at the planned destinations. RSVP for a schedule, contact Alpha Omega Arts by phone at 317.755.8400 or via email at


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