History’s Bestseller in Type at Houghton

February 23, 2011

MASSACHUSETTS--“The Bible in Type, from Gutenberg to Rogers: An Exhibition Commemorating the Four-Hundredth Anniversary of the King James Bible” celebrates beautifully-crafted examples of history’s best-selling—and arguably most influential—book, the Bible. The exhibit celebrates the 400th anniversary of the printing of the King James Bible, which was translated in 1611 and remains the most popular English version. It displays works including Harvard’s Gutenberg Bible, the first Bible produced on a printing press, and one of only 48 in existence. Hope Mayo, the Philip Hofer Curator of Printing and Graphic Arts at Houghton Library, organized the exhibit, and selected the Bibles as examples of typography and design. She believes that the Bible can not be overstated as a source and inspiration of visual art. [link]
