INSPIRE ME! Artist, Ryan Petrow

Painting is a way to tell stories and I have a lot of stories to tell. 
By Ernest Disney-Britton

I have an inspirational artist story to share this morning. I tapped Ryan Petrow’s shoulder following seeing his new work, "Last Transmission" (see above). This work remains on view at the Indianapolis Museum of Art through December 5, 2010 as part of the Watercolor Society's annual juried exhibition. Though he’s obviously got an incredible talent, I asked him to do this for a whole different set of reasons. Knowing him socially, I’ve been struck by his ability to fearlessly state his opinion without second guessing himself. I know that many of us, including myself, can learn to share our opinions more fearlessly. As you’ll read his statement below, it’s pretty clear how he’s able to create such a mix of strength and creativity that is 100% his own. Enjoy!

RYAN: Painting is a way to tell stories and I have a lot of stories to tell. My cityscape paintings of the past had always lacked those stories. They were merely sets for a play or backgrounds for the stories that I wanted to tell. The painting “Last Transmission” marks a moment in my career where I have truly begun to tell a story with my art. The story for this painting is loosely based on end time theology and I hope this piece poses the age old question: Is the glass half empty or half full?

Bridget Riley
RYAN: Currently, I am inspired by the Op Art movement of artists like Victor Vasarely and Bridget Riley. I have been studying the way they used line and pattern to create extremely interesting images. I try to use some of their visual tools in my paintings.

Frank Miller
RYAN: I’m also inspired by the comic book art of Frank Miller, Mike Mignola, and David Mack. My viewer might imagine my painting to be a page torn from a graphic novel only to be brought to life and grown into a more sophisticated form. Each painting I make is another page from my own graphic book of theology, mythology, or maybe just a slice of everyday life. What’s next for me? I plan to use mixed media and sequential art as a way to tell my story. I hope to make art that continues to ask the viewer if the glass is half empty or half full.

- Ryan Petrow (


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