Michigan Artist of Jesus Paintings to Enter ArtPrize

By Paul KopenkoskeyMICHIGAN - [John] Katerberg said his priorities as a Christian were honed when he returned from the Middle East in 1991. Brush and canvas is this artist’s pulpit, a platform meant to invoke a no-holds-barred relationship with Jesus. He is going to enter a painting in ArtPrize depicting Jesus with the word "sin" written over his body in different languages. "He died for all races, tribes and tongues," said Katerberg of Jesus. "It's for all the world." [link]


His artwork speaks of the character of who Christ is with genuine passion and talent. Students comment on how inspired they are to ask what they also can do for the glory of God.
Winning the $250,000 in 1st prize money would mean a great deal to John Katerburg, as an individual, but it would mean even more for the other artists bursting the seems in the Fine Arts programs at Christian colleges. http://alphaomegaarts.blogspot.com/2011/07/fine-arts-enrollment-at-christian.html.