“Lyon and the Islamic Arts” at Musée des Beaux Arts in Lyon

12 Allah Jameel
FRANCE - The Musée des Beaux Arts de Lyon is hosting an exhibition entitled Lyon et les arts de l’Islam (Lyon and the Islamic Arts), on view until September 19. The exhibition is divided into five sections. The first, “1800-1850: Discover/Wonder”, recounts the discovery of Islamic art in Lyon. Next, “ 1850-1900: Assemble/Collect”, describes the history behind the superb collections. The third part, “1850–1900: Copy/Create”, evokes how Arabic motifs inspired the Silk industry and the fourth part, “1879–1910: Acquire/Exhibit”, explains the city’s acquisition of Islamic art. Finally, “1877-1894: Promote/Diffuse”, sends the viewer back in time to two exhibitions organised in 1877 and 1894, in order to better understand how Islamic art was produced. [link]

During the nineteenth century, Lyon played a major role in the discovery of Islamic arts. The city’s industrial and banking development made the city very prosperous and its wealthy inhabitants wished to surround themselves with precious objects. From 1860, collectors in Lyon became fascinated with objects from Muslim Spain, the Maghreb, Egypt, Turkey and the Middle-East. Inspired by other major European museums and influenced by amateur art–lovers, the city’s museums slowly constituted their own Oriental art collections, organising several exhibitions to renew the artisans’ visions, as well as promoting artistic creation. As a result of the rising oriental trends, Moorish and Arabic ornaments were soon to become privileged features in Lyonnais silks, and it is exactly this passion for the Islamic arts that can be discovered throughout the exhibition.


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