Gods and Monsters Haunt Sweet-briar Art Exhibit

By Casey Gillis

VIRGINA - Sweet Briar College’s latest exhibit might just have you looking underneath your bed or checking your closet before bedtime. "Gods and Monsters: Images of Faith and Horror from the Permanent Collection" features just that — images of both sinister and benevolent beings. "It’s about how humans, throughout time, have dealt with the unexplained or the common things that scare us all, like death. The common things that fascinate us, like monsters," says Karol Lawson, curator and director of the college’s galleries. "(It’s about) the things that scare us and the things that comfort us. The exhibit grew out of a portfolio of 1937 woodblock prints by German artist Renate Geisberg-Wichmann. "It’s a very, very powerful work," says Lawson. "You can imagine what’s going in Germany in 1937. It’s a very spooky and troubling portfolio. Death is sort of stalking the people of Germany." The "Gods" side of the exhibit includes Christian images of the baptism of Christ and the Prodigal Son’s return, as well as a Tibetan scrolls and examples of Native American deism. [link]
