Museum of Christian Art Opens Doors Tomorrow, in Mumbai, India

By Ashley DeMello

INDIA - A burnt face of Christ stares straight at you as you enter the room, while another statue of him looks upwards. Silver chalices (cups), metal crosiers (walking sticks) and beautifully embroidered old robes of priests are all around... Welcome to the Museum of Christian Art, which will be inaugurated on Sunday. Fr Warner D'Souza, priest who heads the Church committee that has put the museum together explains that the face is part of a larger wooden statue that was damaged in a fire. "We have been working on the project for over three years,'' he said. Housed in a section of St Pious College, Goregaon, most of the artifacts have come from old churches while others are from attics in pastoral houses. "We decided not to buy old statues and artifacts as it will indirectly lead to more destruction of the centuries-old Church heritage in the region,'' said Fr D'Souza. [link]
