Nude Art Exposes Christianities Original Sin

By Jonathon Jones
"David" by Donatello
UNITED KINDGDOM - In discussions of contemporary religion, the oldest and most glaring idiosyncrasy of Christianity is rarely stressed. This is its contempt for the human body. The reality of Christian disdain for the flesh is very visible in the history of art. Nude statues were the highest form of artistic expression in ancient Greece and Rome. With the rise of Christianity, the nude was suppressed, cast out of Eden. Modern secularists should go down on our knees before Donatello's David. Today many critics of religion assume that creationism is the most lethal aspect of fundamentalist Christianity. I suspect they have never experienced church all that closely. For Blake, and many like him who knew Christianity as practitioners, it was the hatred of the flesh that hurt most. [link]
