The New Mass Translation in Here! Why the Change? Why Now?! - Chicago Catholic

By William M. Leubscher, Chicago Catholic Examiner

ILLINOIS - Chicago Catholics, were you in church last Sunday? If so, you may have noticed some changes. We have officially entered the Advent season, and for Chicago’s Roman Catholics that means the church is finally implementing the much talked about “new Roman missal” that’s been announced for over a year. On the plus side, they seem to have prepared parishioners pretty well. On the downside, reactions to most of the changes have been mixed. Much of the music that Chicago area Catholics grew up with is being discarded or changed. For example, the hymn “Glory to God in the highest/ Sing Glory to God/ Glory to God in the highest/And peace to his people on earth” cannot be used anymore because the new English translation reads "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will”. Happy Advent! [link]


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