3 French Hens: 12 Days of Christmas Continues

By Lori Pankonin

NEBRASKA - I’ve never given much thought to the lyrics in the “Twelve Days of Christmas” song. Twelve drummers drumming, 11 pipers piping, 10 Lords a leaping. Does it have to make sense? I mean, look at nursery rhymes. Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater put his wife in a pumpkin shell in order to keep her. Why was Little Jack Horner a good boy for sticking his thumb into a pie and pulling out a plum? Never had I given any thought to the Christmas song having a religious connection. That is until I read a suggestion recently that it was originally a catechism song written to help Catholics learn their faith at a time when practicing Catholicism was criminalized in England. So here’s the interpretation: [link]


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