Art Buying Time? Doing it Online is Easier Than You Think

By Sameer Reddy

NEW YORK - Building an art collection often requires cultivating relationships with a global network of dealers, but now, a steadily growing genre of online ventures is seeking to streamline the process for both beginners and established collectors, facilitating keyboard-click access to fine art. [High End] With high-profile investors and advisers— aims to become a Pandora for fine art;  The art-marketing site Paddle8, provides guest-curated "virtual exhibitions" accompanied by dossiers on participating artists, detailing their work and influences; [Middle Market] Artspace offers a more populist approach to collecting. [Low End] If your bank balance is feeling the holiday pinch, the art site 20x200  might prove a better fit. The art "e-tailer" Artsicle attempts to alleviate the risk factor in buying works from your laptop. Would-be collectors can lease works, often from MFA graduates still cultivating reputations. Prices range from $25 to $65 a month. [link]
