Uttaporn Nimmalaikaew's Contemporary Buddhist Paintings

"Seeing Through Body [Mom]" by Uttaporn Nimmalaikaew (2006)
Inkjet on one layer of canvas and oil painting on two layers of mosquito netting, with thread | Size (inches): 36 x 28
THAILAND - Uttaporn Nimmalaikaew, an award-winning young artist, captures the Buddhist idea of the inescapable truths of life: birth, ageing, sickness and death, in a series of oil paintings and mixed media works. Nimmalaikaew is one of Thailand’s most exciting and widely admired new-generation artists, "The Essence of Impermanence" runs through Jan 13, 2012 at Ardel Gallery of Modern Art, Bangkok, Thailand, ardelgallery.com. [link]


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