By Tahlib
SPOT PAINTINGS (above) by Damien Hirst are the Talk of Week in the Religious Art world (and the rest of the Art world too). The British artist's main theme is to express ideas about mortality, life, and often spirituality and science. The Spot series is an arrangement of color spots inspired by pharmaceutical chemicals. Hirst, who is also known for his anti-religious series "The Last Supper" in 1999, has 1500 of these Spot Paintings posted in galleries in eight cities around the world this month. Listed below are the art news stories of the past week from the five largest world religions, plus an "other" mix of related news.
By Tahlib
- In Indonesia, Watching the Sun Rise with 504 Buddhas (The Los Angeles Times)
- Should the Swastika be Banned? (TheWall Street Journal)
- Muslim Angels on Display in Jerusalem (Bangstyle)
- Egyptian Women Strike Back in Beauty Salon (BikyaMasr)
- Video: A Brief Look at the Issue of Islamic Dress (Islam on Demand)
- Book Review: "When Love for the Prophet Becomes Art" (ANSA)
- Jewish "Women of the Shaw" Using Sacred Apparel to Become Closer to God (Spiegel International)
- Tebow's Testimony: America's #1 Evangelical Plays NFL Football (Time)
- Movie Review: The Joyful Sounds of "Joyful Noise" (AOA News)
- Video: "Joyful Noise" Opens Tomorrow in Theaters (Grace Hill Media)
- Video: Creation of Adam by Michelangelo (App Brain)
- Get App for Sistine Chapel (App Brain)
- Are Young Religious Stars Bieber, Lovato, and Tebow Making Christianity Cool? (FOX News)
- Tebow-centric Lyrics for ‘St. Elmo’s Fire’ Song Remake (YAHOO! Sports)
- Russian Church Seeks Return of Cathedral (The Art Newspaper)
- Art Review: Hirst, Globally Dotting His ‘I’ (The New York Times)
- Art Review: Hirst, 1999's "The Last Supper" (Gareth's Art Blog)
- Video: Bahai Artists From Around the World (YouTube)
- Today is World Religion Day in USA (AOA News)
- The Baha’i Faith and Creative Arts Practice (Faith and the Arts)
- Celebrating Artist & Baha'i Faith Member Mark Tobey's Faith and Art (AOA News)
- Three Symbols of the Baha'i Faith (AOA News)
- Atheist, and Comedian Ricky Gervais Would Like to Nonapologize (The New York Times)
- The Shrine of the Bahá’u’lláh, Baha'i's Sacred Place is in Isreal (AOA News)
- Cincinnati's Cockerill Gallery Specializes in Contemporary Art Jewelry (Xavier Magazine)