Holy-day Art (Lent, Day #7) Tattoos by Scott Erickson | Texas

By Kate Shellnutt | Houston Chronicle
Designer Scott Erickson, left, and the Rev. Chris Seay
pose with other community members at Ecclesia Church in Mon­trose
TEXAS -- Asking his congregation to get perma­nent tattoos as a part of their Lenten observances may be one of the craziest things Ec­clesia pastor Chris Seay has done at his artsy, pop-cultu­re-savvy Montrose church. The designs use new typi­cal religious images -- no gi­ant wooden crosses or depic­tions of Jesus' face. Instead, Ecclesia's artist-in-residence, Scott Erickson used Russian prison tattoos and Sailor Jerry tat­toos as inspiration, hoping the designs would prompt questions and give Christians the opportunity to explain the meaning behind the art­work on their arms, shoul­ders, feet and backs. "I totally think the cross is important, but as a symbol, it doesn't inspire thought any­more. It's become decora­tive," said Erickson. Instead, he incorporated more subtle Christian symbols -- such as the goldfinch, which tradi­tionally represents Christ at the Passion -- and Latin phrases. [link]


Anonymous said…
I think this is amazing, and I wish I had the nerve to have someone carve an image into my body too for Lent. I'll stick to Fasting.