Nicki Minaj's "Vulgar" Grammys Exorcism Angers Catholic Leaque

By Gina Serpe
CALIFORNIA - If Nicki Minaj happens to come across a swarm of locusts in the next few days, at least she'll know why. Not content to provide just watercooler fodder for the nation, the singer—or more specifically, the singer's "Pope" escort, hooded attire and unholy Grammys performance last night—fueled the fire and brimstone chat, as well. The Catholic League wasted no time in condemning the "Roman Holiday" rapper for her exercise in exorcism on the awards show stage—which came complete with choir boys, bishops, holy water, faux possessions, levitation and even a confessional. [link]


Christian Piatt said…
Nothing struck me as more self-consciously ridiculous and desperate than Nicki Minaj's "Roman Holiday" performance. A haphazard mix of religious iconoclasm and shock-pop weirdness, her set was symptomatic of a handful of performers who seem intent on battling one another in a race to the top of "look at me" mountain. I mean, compared to dancers shoving their crotches in the faces of young altar boys and an awkward blend of S & M kitsch with Catholic tradition, Katy Perry's, um, bouncy spandex performance stood no chance of being remembered.
Bill Donohue said…
Whether Minaj is possessed is surely an open question,but what is not in doubt is the irresponsibility of The Recording Academy. Never would they allow an artist to insult Judaism or Islam....It's bad enough that Catholics have to fight for their rights vis-a-vis a hostile administration in Washington without also having to fend off attacks in the entertainment industry...The net effect, however, will only embolden Catholics, as well as their friends in other faith communities.

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Nicki Minaj said…
Roman was created two years ago, yesterday was just a coming-out party. It was very literal and streamlined if you know who Roman is and if you know what he's all about; if you don't know the Roman character then you have to digest it. I had this vision for him to be sort of exorcised — or actually he never gets exorcised — but people around him tell him he's not good enough because he's not normal, he's not blending in with the average Joe. He wanted to show that not only is he amazing and he's sure of himself and confident, but he's never gonna change, he's never gonna be exorcised.