Texans ink the Stations of the Cross on their bodies for Easter

By Terry Mattingly
TEXAS - The leaders of Ecclesia Church in the hip, edgy Montrose neighborhood near downtown Houston — created in 1999 by a coalition of Southern Baptists, Presbyterians and others — have raised eyebrows and inspired headlines by embracing tattoos as the artistic medium for their eighth annual art exhibit during the 40-day season that leads to Easter. The title is “Cruciformity: Stations of the Cross on Skin.” Put all of these images together, said artist Scott Erickson, and they tell the stories of broken people. [link]


Anonymous said…
The more I read about this project, the more inspired I am to make the leap. Luckily though, I don't like in Texas and Easter is only a week away so I will avoid the inking pain, at least for another year.
You should have started it along time ago, and there is still plenty of time. I got mine for this year. It's time for you do the same!

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