Denver Christians mourn Tebow’s departure, say they’ll root from afar

By Dan Merica

COLORADO – When star quarterback Peyton Manning signed with the Denver Broncos this week, Denver pastor Jim Mackey signed at the thought that Tim Tebow probably wouldn’t be wearing Broncos blue and orange next season. The Broncos don’t need two star quarterbacks and the New York Jets announced Wednesday that Tebow is now theirs. “It is an emotional thing and a bit more emotional for people who have connected with Tebow’s expression of faith,” Mackey said. “Rather than just a QB controversy, which is not unique in the NFL, this does seem to have hit more of a personal nerve for those in the Christian community.” [link]


Anonymous said…
There was plenty of mourning to go around this spring. My community of Indianapolis was moved to tears over the departure of Peyton Manning, but it's a good move for everyone. Tim Tebow has to stay a Bronco for 24 more hours and then can be traded to the Jets, which he will be this weekend. On Monday, finally, he will be announced as the team's new "backup" quarterback.

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