Today's Holy-day Art (EQUINOX) is Stonehenge for the Pagans

By Tahlib
Stonehenge in UK. Courtsey of USA Today
Equinox is an annual spring ritual of Pagans. Paganism is a wide category of religions, and is easier to describe what it is not than to define which it is. Broadly, any religion that either is non-Abrahamic (not Jewish, Christian, Muslim etc), is polytheistic or is based on pre-Christian European traditions, such as Druids and Wiccans are considered Pagans.
  • Significance: Celebrates the spring equinox
  • Observances: Performing centuries-old rituals, usually in forest or some other natural setting.
  • Length: 1 day
  • Date: This time of year is also known as Ostara and it allows you to rejoice in the blooming flowers and trees as the days start to become longer.
  • Art: (above) Stonehenge is a world famous site of Pagan rituals located in United Kingdom.
  • Learn more: Paganism 101


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