Today's Holy-day Art (LENT, day #26) "I Give to You. John 14:27" by Mark Lawrence
By Ernest O. Britton
Georgia artist Mark Lawrence is the most popular contemporary artist among the new members in the new MEETUP: Indianapolis Religious Art Project (see link below). Frankly, I was puzzled why I didn't know him when 3 of 15 named him as their favorite, exceeding the mentions for my favorite artist, Michelangelo. Gina wrote, "I read about Mark Lawrence and thought it was so cool that millions of bible verses could look like solid colors from a distance. I do not know him personally (smile), but I think he is a genius." So, I did some Internet research, and now I am thrilled to be a follower too of this amazing Creator Spirit. Thanks to the Meetup members.
By Ernest O. Britton
"I Give to You. John 14:27" by Mark Lawrence Image courtesy GreatBIGcanvas |