El Anatsui, Africa's Greatest Contemporary Religious Artist -- Now at Indianapolis Museum of Art

By Tahlib
"Duvor - Communal Cloth" (2007) by El Anatsui | Ghanaian, materials aluminum, copper wire dimensions 13 x 17 ft. 
INDIANA---As one of Africa's most influential contemporary artists, El Anatsui makes metal wall sculptures resembling draped and bunched cloths that are similar in pattern to traditional West African strip woven textiles. Anatsui's work is constructed of discarded and flattened liquor bottle caps, stitched together using copper wires. By transforming discarded objects into works of art, Anatsui comments on spirituality, consumerism, disposability, and the colonial legacy. From the artist via (October Gallery, London) in February 2007; purchased by Indianapolis Museum of Art (2007). [Video]


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