Today's Holy-day Art (SHAVUOT) by Arnold Friberg

By Tahlib
"The Giving of the Law" by Arnold Friberg
The Holyday of Shavuot is  a major spring harvest festival, and also the very anniversary of God’s revelation to the entire Jewish people at Mount Sinai. Shavuot commemorates the giving and receiving of the Torah.

  • Official name: Official name Hebrew: שבועות or חג שבעות‎ (Ḥag HaShavuot or Shavuot)
  • Significance: It is also the culmination of the 49 days of the Counting of the Omer.
  • Observances: Festive meals. All-night Torah study. Recital of Akdamut liturgical poem in Ashkenazic synagogues. Reading of the Book of Ruth. Eating of dairy products. Decoration of homes and synagogues with greenery (Orach Chayim, 494).
  • Length: Begins 6th day of Sivan (or the Sunday following the 6th day of Sivan in the Karaite tradition) and Ends 7th (in Israel: 6th) day of Sivan.
  • Date: In 2012, it began at Sunset, Saturday, May 26 and ends tomorrow at nightfall on Monday, May 28
  • Links: Related to Passover, which precedes Shavuot
