Fine Art photographer Anand Sharan's obsesssion is to document Hindu monuments and religious event

By Aditya Tejas
"Holi festival" by Annan Sharon. Courtesy of Saatchi Online.
INDIA---There’s an urgent need to document ancient monuments and cultures in India, says Anand Sharan.  Having abandoned a career in the government for advertising photography, and again for fine art photography, Sharan dedicates most of his time to perfecting his craft and teaching it to others. “There’s no market in India for fine art photography,” he says. “Even when people are buying art, the question they ask is if the value will double in two years.” His own photography, the Indian aspect of it at least, is focused around the traditional. “There’s a very urgent need to document ancient monuments and cultures,” he says. [link]


I love the hazy purple!! Maybe you could go to India on a trip to document for them??? The Marigold hotel needs a new resident.
Are you calling me old? Ok. I'd be happy to go!

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