Op-Ed: I am an Atheist Who Loves Angels

By Dori Hartley
"Elijah, the Angel of Renewal" by Dori Hartley
I do not believe in God or religion, but I am a fanatic for religious and beatific art. My adoration is not restricted to any particular style or time period, either. I love everything from the illuminated and highly designed manuscripts of the Quran, to the wildly colorful depictions of Hindu deities, all the way through the Medieval and Renaissance portrayals of the annunciation, Madonna and Child, the trials and tribulations of the saints. Everything religion would have me feel, I feel ... but not because of any kind of faith in a deity. God does not make sense to me. Art does. I am the atheist who loves angels, and I am risen. [link]


It seems pointless to me that atheists spend more time defending what they don't believe as they spend promoting what they do believe. I don't really care they she does not believe in God or religion. I do care they she is a fanatic for religious and beatific art, so why not stop there?

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