(VIDEO) Rabbi Answers: Why Are There So Many Different Kinds of Jews?

By Rabbi Kenny Cohen

ISRAEL --- Judaism is full of choices, and Rabbi Kenny Cohen says that this is why there is so much diversity amongst the Jewish people. What is most surprising is that the Orthodox community has so many choices of lifestyles. One can be a "Chabadnik" or a Breslav Chassid or a Haredi Jew, strictly adhering to "Daas Torah." There are also national religious Jews with a passion for settling in the Land of Israel. One can also simply be labeled as "modern Orthodox". When a young man or woman decides that they would like to become more observant and study about their heritage, they are often lured to be converted into one of these labels. The important thing for anyone seeking truth is to find that group or philosophy that speaks to the person as something that (s)he can identify with. [link]


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