Artist Anil Revri's Interfaith "Wall for Peace 2011" at DC Airport

"Wall for Peace 2011". Image courtesy of the artist's website.
WASHINGTON---Artist Anil Revri's "Wall for Peace 2011," a sculpture featuring quotations about peace from Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism, is on display at Washington Dulles International Airport. Revri, originally from India, moved to the U.S. 30 years ago and lives with his family in Northwest D.C. [link]


Absolutely breath-taking! Makes me sad that Indianapolis International chose to take down artist expressions and replace with commercial ads!
I wonder why more airports are not installing such high impact temporary exhibitions. Certainly it is so in Atlanta, and obviously in Dulles (DC) and in Frisco too but what about Detroit, Indianapolis, Chicago and Cincinnati? For that matter, why not NYC?