Artists Alter Islamophobic Ads on Buses, Administrators Post Disclaimers

By Nora Barrows-Feldman
After (top) and Before (bottom) photos of the bus billboards
CALIFORNIA---Days after shockingly racist and Islamophobic ads started appearing on city buses in San Francisco — paid for by a notorious anti-Muslim group led by notorious racist Pamela Geller — anonymous artists wheatpasted over the ads with an image of a hand and a stamp with the words “HATE SPEECH.” Additionally, the San Francisco Municipal Transit Authority (SFMTA) posted full-sized disclaimer placards on MUNI buses that carry the Islamophobic ads. The disclaimer says that “SFMTA policy prohibits discrimination based on national origin, religion, and other characteristics, and condemns any statements that describe any group as “savages.” [link]


While what they did is likely illegal, similar to the protest done by Pussy Riot in Russia, I am thrilled that they did it and did it so well!

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