"Piss Christ", Revisted in 2012

By Daniel Siedell
"Piss Christ" by Andres Serrano
The culture wars are back. And they seem to have a corporate sponsor that sells fried chicken sandwiches. With the Presidential election looming the political pundits are active, as are the Reformed and evangelical bloggers, girding themselves for battle, urging their minions not to retreat and fight for traditional middle American values in the face of those liberals on the coasts. The icon of the culture wars in the 1990s was Andres Serrano’s Piss Christ. But the power of Piss Christ is in the space it creates where grace operates, even beyond the intentions of the artist and those who would use the work as a weapon in the culture war. The chief victim in the culture wars is grace. And if we listen, we just might be able to see it at work in the world. [link]


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