By Ernest O. Britton
During this week's annual physical, the doctor alerted me that my blood sugar count was high, and he invited me to do a new thing---to go on a low-carb diet. Later, while eating a brownie along with a chocolate shake, I wrestled with the difficulty of giving up the comforting foods of my past when I saw this painting, "Eating the Known" (above) by Michal Na'aman. Changing your diet can be compared to taking a new spiritual path. In Isaiah 43:18-43:19 the Jewish people are invited to forget the past, to do a new thing. What are you being invited to forget today? Are you ready to do a new thing? That's why this work, currently hanging in a new show at the Jewish Museum in Tel Aviv, Israel is my NEWS OF WEEK.

In other Religious Art news from across the USA, and the world:
  • Christianity in the Arts: Does God care what we wear? Thoughts on Mormon undergarments. [More News]
  • Judaism in the Arts: Israeli artists explore body imagery in Judaism and Christianity. [More News]
  • Islam in the Arts: Artists in San Francisco paint over Islamophobic ads on buses. [More News]
  • Hinduism in the Arts: Artist Kota Neelima explores karma and creation stories. [More News]
  • Buddhism in the Arts: Afghanistan seeks to rebuild Buddhas destroyed by Taliban. [More News]
  • In Tahlib's 5 Faiths Friday, he compares "Hate Speech" to "Freedom of Speech". [More News]
ALSO, are you registered yet to "vote" for the A&O Prize for Contemporary Religious Art of the year? Register Today! Lastly, for more interfaith art news: join us on Facebook and/or Twitter, or just come back each day. It's another great way to keep up with gatherings of like-minded people who share your interest in Religious Art. After all, who is Religious Art for? Yes, it's for Believers, but also Skeptics too!


Our youth group toured the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation this afternoon, and the three student leaders did an amazing job! It's not only a beautiful house of worship, but an architecturally stellar center for learning and Jewish life. Yes, we were introduced some amazing works of art in the congregation collection, including wonderfully decorated torah covers, but we also learned the religious history and signifance of each piece. It certainly helped me to have spent the week focused on Judaism because of the artwork of the week from Israel, "Eating the Known."
It was a wonderful afternoon. The kids truly enjoyed the experience in learning as much as this adult did! I can't wait until the next faith place outting in 2 weeks!
Tony Melendez said…
Take it from an old, wrinkled diabetic. Sugar is a no-no, a real NO-NO!! Stay healthy you guys....mucho amor!
Gina Britton said…
Brownie and isn't so bad...