Can Dance Transform the Soul? Support "O'Black Madonna"

By Tahlib
Maureen Fleming, American dance-artist, but born in Japan, is the Artistic Director of Maureen Fleming Company. The goal of her work is, "To reveal the transcendent through images, which focus on the human body as a vehicle of transformation. I am specifically interested in discovering a universal art which touches the evolutionary traces imbedded in human experience and transcends the limits of nationality and gender, placed on us all in an aim of discovering what is truly universal about being human." A current project seeking for which she is seeking support is "O Black Madonna" a visual theater work which raises awareness of the values that have led us to make choices perpetuating the cycle of violence begetting violence. Fleming's goal is to present another perspective, one of a universal mythological origin, through the iconic image of the Black Madonna, where our internal world and the black beyond the stars become one and the values of the transcendent feminine and a global alchemy are celebrated. You can support this amazing project by donating through USA


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