Crowdfunding Is Marketing Pure and Simple

By Doug Jantash

Crowdfunding is undoubtedly this year’s hottest topic and trend and with good reason. The ability to publicly raise funds for your idea, product, or company, by gaining access to millions and millions of potential investors, gives anyone with an Internet connection access to a little or a lot of capital. Now, anyone with a good idea and the ability to write a compelling description of that idea, can turn to services like Fundable, Kickstarter or Indiegogo to raise needed funds by offering incentives such as product, early access and even private receptions. The promise of “create a project” and “watch the funds come in” is in stark contrast to the reality of create a project, market like crazy and maybe the funds come in. In a way, crowdfunding is simply preselling your idea or product and that takes a marketing mindset pure and simple. [link]


Very cool concept and retooling of old ideas
It is cool, but what we are planning at the Arts Council is even more exciting!

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