Exploiting the Prophet: We Are Pawns in a Politcal (Not Religious) Battle

By Nicholas Kristoff, Sunday Times

“PISS CHRIST,” a famous photograph partly financed by taxpayers, depicted a crucifix immersed in what the artist said was his own urine. But conservative Christians did not riot on the Washington Mall. “The Book of Mormon,” a huge hit on Broadway, mocks the church’s beliefs as hocus-pocus. But Mormons haven’t burned down any theaters. So why do parts of the Islamic world erupt in violence over insults to the Prophet Muhammad? I think a few things are going on. The first is that many Muslim countries lack a tradition of free speech, and see ridicule of the prophet as part of a larger narrative of the West’s invading or humiliating the Islamic world. More broadly, this is less about offensive videos than about a political war unfolding in the Muslim world. This is a political struggle, not just a religious battle — and we’re pawns. [link]


I agree. This is politics, just as The Crusades were politics but Americans are now looking at the oppression in Syria with different eyes. Where once we condemned the dictators restraints on his people, we are now thinking he might have the right idea...politically speaking.