Iranian Foundation Offers $3.3 Million Bounty for Killing of Author Salman Rushdie


IRAN---A religious foundation in Iran added another $500,000 to a $2.8 million reward for anyone who kills British-Indian author Salman Rushdie. Rushdie’s 1988 novel 'The Satanic Verses' published enraged the Muslim world, and prompted a death sentence fatwa by Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Anyone who successfully kills Rushdie will receive a $3.3 million reward from Iran’s 15 Khordad Foundation, local newspapers reported. The initial reward totaled $1 million, and has been increased several times since. The Iranian leader declared that the 'The Satanic Verses' was offensive to Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. The book was praised in the UK, but it caused widespread controversy and anger among Muslims worldwide. [link]


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