Pakistani Minister Offers $100,000 Bounty For Killing Anti-Islam Film Maker


PAKISTAN---A Pakistani minister offered $100,000 on Saturday to anyone who kills the maker of an online video which insults Islam, as sporadic protests rumbled on across parts of the Muslim world. “I announce today that this blasphemer, this sinner who has spoken nonsense about the holy Prophet, anyone who murders him, I will reward him with $100,000,” Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour told a news conference, to applause. “I invite the Taliban brothers and the al Qaeda brothers to join me in this blessed mission.” [link]


He should be removed from his esteemed position and banished from being a spiritual leader of any kind. How can anyone look up to someone in the name of their God as a leader who promotes revenge and hate!
I admit that todays Middle Eastern religious leaders are baffling and beyond our comprehension.

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