Art Exhibit Outside of Hillel Commemorates Kristallnacht

By Samantha Sharon
The Holocaust Education Committee set up jars filled with
broken glass and candles to commemorate Kristallnacht last Sunday.
PENNSYLVANIA---Seventy-four years after the Nazis destroyed over 7,000 Jewish businesses on the night known as Kristallnacht, Hillel’s Holocaust Education Committee is finding creative ways to commemorate the victims. Kristallnacht ­— or the Night of Broken Glass ­— took place on Nov. 9 to 10, 1938, when the Nazis attacked Jewish-owned stores, buildings and synagogues in Germany. It is often cited as one of the first major events of the Holocaust. On Sunday, the committee installed 24 glass jars filled with shards of broken glass and an artificial candle in front of Hillel’s Steinhardt Hall. The glass shards represent the windows the Nazis destroyed on Kristallnacht, and the candle functions as a sign of mourning. The installation will remain intact until the end of the week. [link]
