Atheist Extremists Challenge ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’

By Michael McGuire
ARKANSAS---The American Humanist Association is challenging an Arkansas elementary school for planning to take children to see “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” the organization announced Thursday. The organization released a letter dated Nov. 26 in which it warned the principal of Terry Elementary School in Little Rock that a planned field trip to Agape Church to see the Charlie Brown TV movie violates the United States Constitution. "The school is encouraging impressionable young students to attend an event in a Christian venue with a Christian message," the AHA legal team warned. Among the objections the AHA raised is the movie includes a scene in which the characters sing “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.” [link]


Hmmm. I suppose I hear the concern. However, it's Charlie Brown!! I think move it an auditorium somewhere other than a religious venue and relax!