By Ernest Disney-Britton
As you know, I am not a Hindu but this past week I celebrated a pure, infinite, and eternal light, and she was named "Kailee". While Hindus lit candles for their holy day of Diwali, as captured by photographers such as B.K. Bangash (above), I lit one for our newly born granddaughter Kailee. For Hindu believers the Diwali Festival of Lights honors awareness of an "inner light" that goes beyond the physical body and mind, and when Kailee's body and mind gave up after only 8-days of life, she left behind her inner light. Because of Kailee, the Diwali Festival of Lights is my NEWS OF WEEK.

In other Religious Art news from across the USA, and around the world:
  • Judaism in Art: Yona Verwer helps make sense of Judaism's "Thin Line." [More News]
  • Christianity in Art: Caravaggio's dramatic light comes to California. [More News]
  • Buddhism in Art: I joined a Kickstarter campaign to preserve an ancient site. [More News]
  • Islam in Art: A holy hair brings conflict to some but inspiration to others. [More News]
  • Hinduism in Art: Hindus shine their light for the world during Diwali [More News]
  • A&O Meetup: NYC Weekend Ahead, November 16-18 [More Meetups].
Lastly, I again salute the 2012 A&O Prize honorees and invite you to join the new board of the Alpha & Omega Project for Contemporary Religious Arts at Indiana Interchurch Center in preparing for next year's celebration as a member-subscriber (It's free!). After all, "Who is the religious art for?" Religious art is for you. It's for me. It's for Believers, Creators, and Skeptics too!


When the end of this life came for Kailee I was honored to witness the gentle, quiet and peaceful Spirit of God move through Kai and Tocarra as they washed their sweet precious baby Kailee for the last time, Tocarra curling her hair with her finger and Kai, struggling to get her t-shirt on as all new father’s seem to do.

In the new book "Far From The Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity" by Andrew Solomon. The author states: “Life is enriched by difficulty,” he says. “Love is made more acute when it requires exertion.”

And now that Kai and Tocarra have experienced this difficulty, that they have been made more aware of love through this acute exertion, I pray that the gentle, quiet and peaceful Spirit of God may continue to move in their lives and bring them peace.
Ginger Bievenour said…
Dear Ernest,

I was just reading your A&O NEWS and, of course, saw the news about Kailee. I'm sure that it has broken your hearts and am so very sorry for your pain and loss. She was such a beautiful child and her light shone brightly while here! That light will remain with all her family forever.

May you, Greg, your son and fiance and all your family have a Thanksgiving rich in future possibilities as well as in memories.

With fondest regards
When visiting The Cathedral Shop at Saint Patrick's Cathedral in NYC, I purchased a small jeweled cross lapel pin for Kailee. Warm and golden "Topaz" is the birthstone for November.
Leslie Kreines said…
How terribly tragic and sad. What a struggle and and my heart goes out to all of you.