The Left's Christian Bashing Art is Cowardly, Hypocritical, and Predictable

By Gabriel Garnica
In fact, if people like Serrano, Toibin, GordonOfili and Murphy have anything in common, it is the desire to use their influence, fame, power, and success to reshape Christianity to look and feel as differently from that of their upbringing as possible. It is clearly cowardly because it strikes at Christianity with a bitter gusto it would never dare apply to the Muslim religion. Finally, it is certainly predictable because, once one identifies and accepts the bitter resentment and shallow arrogance that feeds its fire, there is no surprise regarding how low it can go, nor how highly a society which sees Christian-bashing as a sport will praise and honor the effort. As champions and warriors for that faith who will not meekly accept such disrespect, we may suggest that those who enjoy bashing what we hold so Sacred can kiss our cheeks instead. [link]
