2nd Day of Christmas 2012 - Bowling me over...

By Ernest @DisneyBritton
The saddest thing about Christmas is that for many people, it ends on December 25th. That's why we started a new tradition this year: an Advent Vegan Fast that led up to Christmas Day, and then we began our 12 days of Christmas. On this 2nd Day of Christmas, I gave Greg a bowling ball for the 2nd Day of Christmas.  It'll take me a while yet to perfect the link between the gifts, the song, and the holyseason but this is a start that excites because for us, Christmas didn't end yesterday. It just began. [12 Days]

Christmas blizzard began at 7am on the 2nd day of Christmas.
This photo is taken from Greg's car.


I love my new Bowling ball!! Happy 2nd Day of Christnas!
I am sooo glad. Ten more days of gifts...big and small (mostly small but nice) for Christmas.

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