4th Day of Christmas 2012 - Snowballs...

By Ernest @DisneyBritton
On the 4th Day of Christmas,  Greg picked from my pile of wrapped gifts a box of Snowballs. What are snowballs? They are carmel popcorn covered in brown sugar and white chocolate from the South Bend  Chocolate Company, and came with a gift certificate for a cup of hot white cocoa. He's really enjoying this notion of 12 Days of gifts, and who wouldn't like this from the company that promotes themselves by saying, "Save the Earth. It's the Only Planet with Chocolate." This morning Greg even asked, with a sparkle in his green eyes, "Do I get a gift this morning?" His excitement also excited me, but I still wonder if my daily gifting is making a spiritual connection? Perhaps though, I not seeing the forest for the trees? Perhaps, simply by extending the concept of Christmas giving beyond one-day, I am finally celebrating the truest spirit of Christmas? [12 Days]


I can truly say the gifting is making a spiritual connection. Every day I am thankful God brought you to my world! Love you Husband!

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