Disney's Review: "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Jouney"

By Gregory Disney-Britton
★★★---Ernest O. forewarned me to expect a light-hearted children's story based on a slim novel published by J.R.R. Tolkien in 1937. I read on Fandango's Movie Ratings & Reviews that the Fans said "Must Go" and the Critics said "So-So." It was hard to imagine what his sweeter and softer version of "Lord of the Rings" would look like, and frankly after 2 hours and 49 minutes of the movie, I still don't know. "The Hobbit" movie is just as dark, if not darker than "Lord of the Rings," and also every bit as fun. Ernest said much of the child-like innocence he expected got drowned out, and frankly I got lost in much of the adventuring but we both enjoyed it. LOTR fans, including Ernest like swashbuckling adventure, but as I looked over at his sometimes perplexed face, I sensed his regret for the loss of that sweeter story. Tolkien's original story was about personal growth and small acts of heroism, but Peter Jackson's grand adventure is about killing Orcs, Goblins and Trolls. Based on this weekend's boxoffice, the movie is destined to be a huge money maker, but Ernest is returning to the original book.


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