Dreamkeepers: Honor Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. With Creativity

By Ernest O. Britton
The King, The Dream (2012). Courtesy of The IronLion
Ivan (aka TheIronLion), said of his work "The King, The Dream" (above), that it was: "My fourth attempt at emulating Shepard Fairey's groundbreaking style." I admire an artist who keeps working on fine-tuning his craft even when it emulates another. We all emulate. King emulated Ghandi; and Ghandi was a student of Jesus. Creativity and courage build on that which came before, because as scripture says, "There is nothing new under the sun." That's why on this day that we honor Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., I also honor Ivan for his work as a Dreamkeeper because he keeps working the dream. Have a wonderful day...and "Celebrate the Dream." Also, if you like this image of Rev. King too, you can pick-up a copy of your own online via "TheIronLion."
King Breakfast 2013: Greg, Verneida and Ernest (Left to Right)


Getting ready to begin the 2013 journey to The Dream in Cincinnati.
It's was another glorious year of celebrating a true pioneer of the people's freedom movement!
I really love how you said that, "the people's freedom movement"...well said.