At 160, Baha'i Faith in Formative Stages

Baha'i calendar desinged by Mart Gomez
Today, members of the Baha'i faith celebrate "Naw Ruz" Day in Iran and around the world. The Baha'i faith was founded in 1844 in Persia (Iran). They are one of the youngest of the monotheistic religions, and its central purpose is the unification of humanity. Baha'is believe in progressive revelation, that God sends to humankind a teacher — manifestations of God — through the years. Those have included Moses, Abraham, Jesus, Muhammad, even Zoroaster. For today, it was Bahaullah, which means "the glory of God" and being a Baha'i means "of the glory." The faith is very much contrary to the idea of personal station. They serve the glory of God, not Bahaullah. Naw-Rúz means ‘new day, ’a spiritual springtime, and the Naw-Rúz holyday is used to commemorate it.


Very nice! Love this calendar!
Baha'i months are named for the attributes of God, which include Perfection, Splendor and Sovereignty. The days of the week and months also are named for attributes of God. For example, Jalal (Glory) corresponds to Saturday, Jamal (Beauty) to Sunday, etc.

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