Billy Graham Center to Display Jesus Sculpture Covered in Dirt

By Melissa Barnhart
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ILLINOIS --- "Corpus" sculpture by David J.P. Hooker, associate professor of art at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Ill., to debut at the Biblical and Theological Studies Department on April 22, 2013. A 5-foot-tall ceramic sculpture of the crucified Jesus Christ covered in vacuum dust collected by the custodial staff at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Ill., will debut in the Biblical and Theological Studies department at the Billy Graham Center on April 22. At first glance, seeing Jesus covered in a mass of dirt, skin cells, human hair and carpet fibers is alarming, but Hooker explains the art is not intended to be sacrilegious, but a representation of Jesus sacrificing himself to atone for the sins of humanity. [link]


I can see the symbolism!
Agreed. I'd love to see it.

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