Buddhist and Shinto Temple Boxes Inspire Study

by Hiroko Yamaguchi
Offertory box courtesy of society website
JAPAN --- Plain and utilitarian to many people, to one enthusiast the offertory boxes at Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines are exquisite works of art. Known as "saisen-bako," the coffers can usually be found within a coin's toss of where temple-goers stand to pray. The coins clink their way through the box's slatted cover, which discreetly hides the contents from view. Retired university professor and interior designer Yoshihiro Hirakawa, 73, is on a mission to examine as many offertory boxes as possible and compile a database of their style and design. So far, he has compiled about 1,500 records.  Visit the society's official website at (http://www.e-saisenbako.com/index.html). [link]
