Good Friday 2013: 5 Facts You Didn't Know About the Christian Holy Day

By Andrea Ayres-Deets

Good Friday is the Friday before Easter and is the most solemn day in the Christian calendar as it is the day Jesus was crucified. On this day Christians around the world pray for forgiveness and repentance as part of the observance of the day Jesus died for our sins. Here are five facts that you probably didn't know about Good Friday. [link]
  1. The origin of the name "Good Friday" is not known.
  2. Scientists debate and study the date of Jesus’s crucifixion.
  3. The services for Good Friday start much earlier than you think.
  4. Some Good Friday reenactments involve people willingly nailing themselves to crosses.
  5. Jesus was crucified by nails driven into his wrists, not hands. 
  6. *Scholars also continue to debate whether a cross as traditionally is depicted or the more common X shaped structure for crucifixion would have been used.


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