Israeli Visual Culture Classes at Skirball Cultural Center

By Evan Henerson
"Shimshon, Jerusalem" (1982) by Gabi Klasmer. Collection of Skirball Museum.
CALIFORNIA --- Anat Gilboa, visiting professor of art history at UCLA’s Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for Israel Studies, who will teach upcoming classes on Israeli visual culture at the Skirball Cultural Center and at UCLA, insists that Israeli visual culture has deeper dimensions. Gilboa plans to divide the Skirball class into five sections: religion, the Holocaust, war and conflict, ethnicity definitions and the redefinition of gender roles — male and female. The class will cover a spectrum of examples across artistic disciplines, from the work of painter and Holocaust survivor Samuel Bak, to the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design-schooled painter Reuven Rubin, to the hip-hop funk band Hadag Nahash. Painting and graphic art will be considered, along with film, photography, music and pop culture. [link]


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