Jesus & Buddha: Practicing Across Traditions (VIDEO)

By Tahlib
Image courtesy of Rose of Sharon
Culture Unplugged presents a 2012 documentary featuring three leading figures in today’s Buddhist-Christian dialogue who share their personal journeys in the new documentary "Jesus and Buddha: Practicing Across Traditions." The 44 minute documentary is available in its full length online. Their experience and insight bring these two liberating archetypes alive in a way that can help guide us through our own confusion and struggle toward lives filled with joy and gratitude, compassion, and service.

The documentary features: Father Robert Kennedy, a Jesuit priest and Zen teacher; Chung Hyun Kyung, Professor of Ecumenical Theology and Interfaith Engagement at Union Theological Seminary and a Buddhist Dharma teacher; and Paul Knitter, Professor of Theology, World Religions and Culture at Union Theological Seminary in a tri-alogue that will fascinate and amaze your assumptions about belief, about Christ and about Buddhism.


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