Pope Francis' Hardline on Traditional Religious Art

Two works from León Ferrari's 2004 Buenos Aires show
ARGENTINA --- The former Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio now Pope Francis 1 is 76 years old and comes from Buenos Aires. But how conservative is this new Pope, and is he art-friendly? The answer is no. Pope Francis I once denounced an art exhibition in Buenos Aires by the Argentinian artist León Ferrari, stating it was “blasphemous.” Conservative protestors and Catholic church authorities in Argentina launched furious attacks on three art exhibitions during the same period, and succeeded in shutting two of them down, on the grounds that they were an insult to Christianity. The first of the censored shows, closed to the public on Dec. 17, 2004. It featured the works of renowned Argentine artist León Ferrari, who stated that his greatest sin was having confessed that he didn't believe in hell. [link]


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